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Rainbow colors

June is Pride Month! That means colorful flags, parades, and demonstrations and festive events in many cities around the world.

For us, this is a cause for celebration. We are all celebrating the diversity that we discover both in ourselves and in our fellow human beings. But it's also about drawing attention to social acceptance of the queer community.
Of course, we at ZIMPLY also want to contribute to this! Just like Pride Month, we also stand for naturalness and individuality. Every person should have the opportunity to live out his identity and sexual orientation individually and freely, because any kind of love is natural and above all one thing: colorful!


Rainbow flag

The term LGBTQIA+ stands for the English terms Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Transsexual, Queer, Intersexual, Asexual - the plus covers all groups not mentioned, including Pansexual.

Accordingly, the queer community includes people who do not conform to the social norm in terms of gender and sexuality. The term Pride stands for pride and expresses that one does not have to be ashamed of one's sexual orientation or gender identity.

The origin of Pride Month

Pride Month has its roots in New York in June 1969, when riots broke out at a gay bar called the Stonewall Inn. For many members of the LGBTQIA+ community, this bar was the only place where they had some protection at the time. However, police raids were regularly carried out there, and violent attacks, arrests, and criminal charges based on homosexuality were not uncommon.
One day, however, the people resisted the violence of the police, whereupon the aforementioned riots broke out. More protests and demonstrations against discrimination followed, and the idea of Pride Month was born. This month is still celebrated every year. It serves to commemorate the victims and as a sign of solidarity.

Christopher Street Day

In Germany, this initiative became known as Christopher Street Day (CSD). This is celebrated in many cities across the country on one or even several days. The reason for the name of Christopher Street Day: The Stonewall Inn in New York is located on Christopher Street.

The Rainbow Flag (Pride Flag)

Rainbow and heart in palm

The world famous symbol of Pride Month is the rainbow flag. It was designed in 1978 and at that time still consisted of eight different colors. Pink was removed due to production difficulties and turquoise was also dropped as the flag became more popular in order to have an even number of colors. The colors represented different meanings: Pink stood for sexuality, red for life, orange for healing, yellow for the sun, green for nature, turquoise for art, blue for harmony and purple for spirituality. 

Want to learn even more about the different flags of the LGBTQIA+ community? Then take a look here:


Love is Love

Zimply Natural stands behind this initiative and every single member of this community. We firmly believe that we can all work together for more acceptance, because each and every one of us can contribute to this.
We need Pride Month because - and we're absolutely sure about this - we can all use a little more color in our lives!

Happy Pride!

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