
Annic Scholer

Therapist for holistic regulation and diagnostics

Who is Annic Scholer?

General information

Annic is a therapist for holistic regulation and diagnostics. She is also an epigenetics, hormone, nutrient and nutrition coach specializing in metabolic disorders such as intolerances and allergies, gut dysbiosis (candida, parasites and worms), mold and biotoxin toxicity, nutrigenomics, genetics, among others. Furthermore, she is a therapist for INPP® Neuromotor Developmental Support and in training for the Body/Emotion Code and new Geomancy.

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All webinars from Annic Scholer

Upcoming & Past Webinars

April 10, 2024
SIBO and SIFO - ways to a healthy gut What is it about The gut plays a crucial role in our health and well-being. SIBO and SIFO are conditions (small intestine overgrowth) that can disrupt the balance in the intestine and lead to intestinal...
February 28, 2024
Intestinal health - parasites and worms What is it about Intestinal health is an essential part of our well-being. However, parasites and worms can impair the functioning of our digestive system and lead to a variety of complaints. These uninvited guests can be transmitted through contaminated water,...
February 7, 2024
Let's talk: Sleep disorders are female What it's about Intolerances to certain foods are widespread in today's society and can cause a variety of symptoms ranging from mild discomfort to serious health problems. While the...
January 24, 2024
Gut health - mast cells and histamine What is it about We cordially invite you to our upcoming webinar, which will deal with the fascinating and important topic of "Gut health, mast cells and histamine". Dive with us into the world of the digestive system and...
November 9, 2023
Emotional Eating: Myths, Causes and Ways to Overcome Unhealthy Patterns What's it about Emotional eating is a widespread phenomenon that affects many of us. We want to help you better understand the background and show you concrete steps to...
September 13, 2023
Natural Detoxification and Gut Remediation: Prevention for a Healthy Metabolism What's it about We are pleased to offer another exciting webinar on the topic of metabolism! This time we focus on the important role of a healthy gut and an active liver....