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Woman with sleep disorder

Difficulty falling asleep, sweating, Hot flashes or mood swings - more than two-thirds of all affected women experience Menopausal symptoms as burdensome. The cause of the complaints is the decreasing activity of the ovaries. This can be felt both in the body and in the soul. At the latest when it comes to Sleep disorders the climacteric, the phase of hormonal change becomes an ordeal. This is not surprising: after all, nightly sleep is one of the most important basic requirements for physical and mental health and performance.

Your individual menopause blend

With natural methods such as the individual spagyric sprays from Zimply Natural, complaints can be treated and sustainably alleviated.

What causes sleep disorders during menopause?

The sleep problems experienced by many menopausal women can be attributed to a number of factors.

Decreasing estrogen levels

Sleep physicians and gynecologists suspect that the main cause of sleep disorders is falling or low estrogen levels. During menopause, the entire hormone balance changes as the activity of the ovaries fluctuates.

Many women notice that they can no longer sleep as well when estrogen levels no longer rise quickly enough in the first half of the cycle. The reason: estrogen has an influence on metabolic processes in the brain and promotes certain Sleep phases: the deep sleep phases as well as the so-called Rapid Eye Movement (REM) phases, in which we dream and process what we have experienced. Therefore, a decreased estrogen level can lead to restless nights.

The psyche

Menopausal woman with stress

Sleep disorders can not only be hormonal, but can also be due to psychological stress. The phase of menopause is often also a time of great private and professional changes. Not only the body changes, but also many other factors. Who in this phase of life in addition to the hormonal changes also suffers from Anti-StressSuffering from excessive demands and anxiety, may also be prone to poor sleep.

Do hot flashes during menopause lead to sleep disorders?

During the period of hormonal change, many women suffer from hot flashes and sweats not only during the day. These are not only a typical symptom of menopause. They are also closely related to sleep disorders during menopause. This is because the spontaneous hot flashes and sweats can occur at night and last for a few minutes. It is hard to think about sleep when you have Palpitations and the pajamas are sweated through in seconds. The sleep-wake rhythm is consequently disturbed by nightly hot flashes and heavy sweating.

What helps with sleep disorders during menopause?

For sleep disturbances due to menopausal symptoms, try these tips first:

  • For sleeping you should wear light and breathable clothes
  • Provide a quiet space and a good climate in the bedroom
  • Introduce sleep-promoting rituals: Take a bath, read a book and give up the smartphone
  • Avoid naps in the late afternoon
  • Provide a positive, stable social environment.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks just before bedtime
  • Detach yourself from stress and excitement: Yoga, autogenic training or meditation can help you to do this

How naturopathy can help with sleep disorders during menopause

Sleep Spray

Women who suffer from sleep disorders and other menopausal symptoms during menopause do not necessarily need hormone replacement therapy. It is known that hormone therapy can have strong side effects. Naturopathic remedies, on the other hand, alleviate the symptoms in a gentle, holistic way and are almost free of any side effects.

With Zimply Natural we help you to alleviate your sleep disturbances at night, so that you can benefit from a holistic and healthy normality again!

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With natural methods such as the individual spagyric sprays from Zimply Natural, complaints can be treated and sustainably alleviated.

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